Thursday, August 9, 2007

Settling In

Things are starting to get more normal, although there are still a number of boxes sitting in practically every room. We are able to cook now. Using the great produce for Berkeley Bowl, we made an asparagus frittate one night and burritos the next (with fresh goat cheese, because we needed to use it up -- extremely good). There are still a seemingly unlimited number of chores to do. I just stopped writing this blog because I realized I had to call to get a DSL modem because we threw away the AC adapter for our old modem... just tons of boring chores like that. But every day it seems like we get five of those done.

Anyway, I managed to pull myself away for the unpacking (leaving my lovely wife to that task) and head in to school yesterday. It was quite nice. I have my first office. It is appropriately minuscule for my first office. But still, it is extremely nice to have. I sat down and started reviewing my Greek, using an old text book from the 50's that my advisor Calvin Normore used -- Philosophical Greek. It assumes you know Latin, so it wouldn't have been good for me as a first text book, but that actually makes it quite good for review now.

I think I am going to be quite happy with the walk to and from campus. It is about 20 minutes each way. That, to my mind, is a great walk.

We haven't had our TV set up and I have been putting on a record every night before bed. It is extremely nice. We don't have an overhead lamp in the living room so the soft glow of the amp's tubes are more noticeable. We do have a few TV shows that we quite like so I think we'll get cable or something set up eventually. But we are going to wait a little while.

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