Thursday, August 23, 2007

Ack, I start teaching next week!

Well, my summer is basically over. That's a bit depressing of a thought. I am going to start attending a Greek class next Monday and the Plato course I am teaching starts next Tuesday. I just wish I had more time to prepare and get my own research done before the semester begins. But anyway, I am sure it'll be fun.

We have basically stopped unpacking and are just doing a chore or two each day. We did get the speaker cable so now the fireplace doesn't have a stereo stand right in front of it.

But the exciting thing is that Alison got a job! In fact, she got two job offers, but unfortunately for the exact same times. But anyway, now she has two classes right here at Berkeley City College -- a much better commute than her old jobs!

We got a new digital camera. It is really nice. It is smaller than our old one, and takes nice pictures but most importantly the battery doesn't die almost immediately no matter which battery you use.

Anyway, that's about it. My brother shows up tomorrow to visit for the weekend.


Thi N said...

Nice placement of the print by the tea stuff. You should leave it slightly disorganized like that - you know, classic rustic air and all that.

Unknown said...

It's been a while since your last entry ended on a massive cliffhanger. Are you trying to get people to come back for season 2 or something? Does this "brother" join the regular cast? Is he a hero or villain? The people want to know!

Thi N said...

Where the f**k are the further entries, huh? Southside is waiting with bated freakin' breath, mo.

Sister Y said...

I am so pleasant that you received a new numerical camera! It is really pleasant! I hope they are smaller than your old man and of the illustrations pleasant to take, but the battery does not die most important almost immediately indifferently that battery you use!

We are of games of chance and cocaine except strip associations with your young person brother!

Sister Y said...

Your acoustic amplification device is more magnitude than the acoustic amplification device of my husband!